From the department of Historical Regimes of Normativity at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory

My Summer School: Learning from the Other

Soon after my arrival at the mpilhlt as a PhD student from Brazil, I took part in the LHLT Summer Academy. Now, one year later, I reflect back on the lessons I learnt during my first summer in Frankfurt.

Books, Norms, Trade and Knowledge Production in the Early Modern Period

Kick-off Meeting of the Max Planck Partner Group “The Production of Knowledge of Normativity and the Early Modern Book Trade”, University of Trento (School of International Studies), November 2023

Fuentes para el estudio del pensamiento jurídico en un contexto de transición: Colección de Tesis Doctorales en Derecho – Buenos Aires (1866-1903)

Se encuentra disponible en la Biblioteca Digital del Instituto Max Planck de Historia del Derecho y Teoría del Derecho (Colecciones MPILHLT – Bibliotecas Digitales Co nectadas) la Colección de Tesis Doctorales en Derecho del Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho de Buenos Aires (Colección de tesis INHIDE). Se trata de una colección de tesis presentadas para optar por el grado de doctor, impresas en Buenos Aires, entre 1866 y 1903.

About Us

Legal History Insights is a blog about legal history, created by the researchers, guests and affiliated researchers of the department of Historical Regimes of Normativity at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory.


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