From the department of Historical Regimes of Normativity at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory

Das digitale Nadelöhr: Die Arbeit an einer digitalen Edition im Projekt „Die Schule von Salamanca“

Nicht zum ersten Mal befindet sich das Vermitteln und Speichern von Wissen im Umbruch: was nicht im Internet abrufbar ist, droht, in Vergessenheit zu geraten. Das gilt auch für historischen Quellen. Deshalb arbeitet das Projekt „Die Schule von Salamanca“ an online-Editionen und einem Nachschlagewerk, welche über die Projektwebseite offen zur Verfügung stehen. Ein Prozess, der auch unser eigenes Lernen über die digitale Welt und unsere Sicht auf den Forschungsgegenstand beeinflusst

Non-state Law of the Economy – A Collection of Sources

The world of labor is only partially regulated by law. In many areas, non-state norms regulate the obligations of employers and employees. This regulatory mix has a long tradition in Germany. However, legal history has usually focused on the genesis and interpretation of statutory provisions. Although the existence of non-state law – especially in the form of collective bargaining agreements and work regulations – was known, its content was rarely presented and evaluated. The following report is about a project that responds to this research deficit and aims to help make a hitherto largely unknown world of norms visible again.

Por una Historia del Derecho ancha y ajena

La historia del derecho de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades campesinas de los Andes exige ir más allá de las tradicionales fuentes históricas y revalorar las narrativas y rituales de legitimación de los derechos localmente vigentes. Recuperar las narraciones históricas en sus lugares de enunciación (espacial, temporal, cultural) también demanda dialogar con esas colectividades y sus intelectuales, sean estos indígenas, campesinos o subalternos.

Migration and trade: two sides of the same coin?

What legal history can tell us about the philosophical and legal reciprocity between the right of free movement of trade and the duty to protect the migration and self-preservation of peoples.

About Us

Legal History Insights is a blog about legal history, created by the researchers, guests and affiliated researchers of the department of Historical Regimes of Normativity at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory.


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